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Also referred to as a snake plant or mother in laws tongue, sanseverieras are a unique and captivating plant that will make a statement in any indoor space.  There easy care make them perfect plants for indoor interscaping and are great for taking indoor toxins from the air.


Unlike other Sansevieria varieties, the ‘Gold Flame’ with its striking golden yellow and contrasting green edges, this variety boasts vibrant foliage that glows in even low light conditions, making it a versatile choice for any room in your home. Able to tolerate a range of indoor environments and minimal care requirements, makes this a great houseplant for busy or first time plant lovers.  


Light: Bright indirect to low light

Watering: Every 2-4 weeks allowing the soil to dry between watering

Repotting: Every 2-3 years in spring or early summer

Toxicity: Non toxic to humans and pets

Golden Flame Sansevieria



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